Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today I am grateful for my friend of 34 yrs. and the inspiration she is to me.
She is an incredible woman. Having survived a brain tumor at age 8 which the doctors told her parents would kill her, loosing a sister (age 15) in 1993 to a climbing accident, having the tumor grow back three years ago AND surviving again, having her husband abandon her and their 4 children, going through a divorce while struggling with permanent physical restrictions, finding out her youngest son is autistic, and looking into a future where the tumor in her brain will grow back and wondering when that time will be.
She is a wonderful mother that tries her best to raise her kids with security and love. She is limited to what she can accomplish physically but knows her eternal accomplishments have no borders.
I cannot imagine living one day in her shoes, where every step takes conscious thought
to keep from falling. She cannot mow her lawn, carry a basket of laundry up the stairs, or walk her dogs. Cooking is done in crock pots or an electric skillet because they are heavy and don't require lifting during cooking. Her children lift, carry, and handle everything that weighs more than 2 pounds that needs to be moved.
They are wonderful to help their mom and very rarely complain.
I know my friend struggles with loneliness. There have been moments when she feels she will be alone forever, and then she wonders if she will even be around to see her kids marry. The emotional roller coaster has brought her very close to depression more than once but she turns her thoughts around and thanks the Lord for her blessings. My friend has never let herself wallow in self pity for more than an instant before picking herself up and getting back to life. She truely knows how precious each day is and she takes her life on day at a time.
It is her perseverance and good attitude that makes me stand in awe! Life has handed her lemons, So she decides to make lemonade, AND she chooses to share a glass with me. I'll tell you NOTHING TASTES SWEETER!

"The things that seem to break us, are the things that really make us".

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About Me

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I am a wife by choice, mother by chance, massage therapist by trade, and saved by grace.