Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I was driving in the car yesterday & a song came on the radio. I missed the first part but when I got home I looked it up. IT IS MY HUSBAND TO A "T", (as in true)!

So after I wiped the tears from my face, (emotional time of my life right now, those regrets keep creeping up and trying to enlarge my view of the grass that's so much greener on the other side) I started giggling a little bit.

My family's life is a country song! too bad we can't be found on the same album, or for that matter the same artist! Anyway, if you're curious to know where we stand (at least from my perspective) spend a few minutes on YouTube.

My husband- "Don't miss your life" by Phil Vassar.

My son- "Homeboy" by Eric Church (amazing video, btw).

My daughter- "Welcome to the future" by Brad Paisley (she graduates in a week & she's not looking forward to it. I think she will find this summer to be one of the most memorable- there is so much growing to do!)

Me- "Moments" by Emerson Drive. (It's those darn emotions! I know that life is good, I just need the visual reminders right now. The heart felt ones are hibernating.)

"I've had my moments"

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I am a wife by choice, mother by chance, massage therapist by trade, and saved by grace.