Thursday, December 6, 2012


Well, we are still saving for that new computer, (maybe Santa will deliver) but I have great news!

I PAID OFF MY CAR!!! & I did it 14 months early! YAY for ME!

My husband wasn't nearly as excited as I was about it, I got a "good for you" and a nice pat on the head. (figuratively not literally) but he doesn't have the complete paranoia that I do about debt. Good thing he has me.

So now we move on to the student loan. I want this gone in about six months. Wish me luck and pray that nothing hinders my goal. (because you know there is always something out there ready to get me!)

Also, as we move closer to Christmas I have to say I'm enjoying the season. My husband & I rode the train downtown to see the fabulous lights & shop the new mall. TOTALLY FUN!!! Date nights are taking on this exciting quality and we are discovering we like adventure again! So if you happen to see my husband let me know if you notice the new twinkle in his eye. *smiling*

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and let's pray for an amazing new year!

"Live like no one else..."

1 comment:

  1. So proud of your debt elimination! We're not the best in that area, but we're trying. Merry Christmas!


About Me

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I am a wife by choice, mother by chance, massage therapist by trade, and saved by grace.